Here are some of the people and materials that our contributors referred to this year during Pedagogy Day. Don’t forget to check out the rich resources from Pedagogy Day 2020 by clicking here.
Paulo Friere (2018). Pedagogy of the oppressed. Bloomsbury.
Sara Ahmed (2012). The non-performativity of anti-racism. Meridians, 7 (1), 104-126.
Puwar, N. (Ed.). (2004). Space invaders: Race, gender and bodies out of place. New York: Berg.
The many works of abolitionist Mariame Kaba, who believes that HOPE IS A DISCIPLINE
Stefano Harney & Fred Moten The undercommons: Fugitive planning and Black Study. SPD Books
Frederick Ferguson (2012). The reorder of things. The University and its pedagogies of minority difference. University of Minnesota Press.
Alexis Pauline Gumbs who believes that FREEDOM IS A PRACTICE. NOT A SECRET,
June Jordan, activist helped to support demonstrations at City College, CUNY, where she was a professor in the 1960s.
Adrienne Rich, poet and activist, helped to support demonstrations of City College, where she was a professors in the 1960s.